Monday, May 20, 2013


The sunshine is back! Although I hear it won't last long :( Fiona and I are at the park enjoying while we can.

Last week I was grumbling about not having enough work. I shouldn't have spoke so soon because I've worked every day since then. Yesterday I even had 4 massages!! I forgot what that felt like. I'm glad to be working and I'm taking some continuing education this week in order to renew my license in June. One of the courses is on marketing so I'm excited to see if that helps.

As far as my diet is going, I'm down 6 lbs in a week. Even with going off the plan for 2 days over the weekend. I'm trying to stay strict and not eat anything I'm not supposed to. After tomorrow I will be in a mild fat burning state that will be working 24 hrs a day!

I'm going to sign off with some pictures of this beautiful weather and I hope the people affected by the storms in other parts of the country are OK.


  1. So nice to hear you are busier and that you guys got to play in the sunshine! Way to go on the 6 lbs that's awesome Tammy! I have been thinking I need to eat better to feel better. Cant wait until this Saturdays Farmers Market, gonna get my veggie on :)

    1. If we weren't going camping this weekend I would definitely want to go to the farmers market. I was gonna go last week but didn't make it
