The weather report says rain into next week, booo :( Fiona has so many cute outfits for summertime, it'll be sad to see them stuffed in the back of the closet. Most of them to never be worn again, by her anyway. We didn't buy a whole new wardrobe for school this year but I'm ok with that because she still has plenty of clothes that she can still wear. I've been trying to get pictures of her everyday since school started but you'll see, sometimes she is just not amused.
Here is the first day of school
The picture doesn't do this outfit justice, it's a really cute dress and it looks better with the cute flip flops she has but you aren't supposed to wear open toed shoes at school.
This is one of those times she didn't feel like taking a picture haha. She did actually sit up and smile for me but I thought this one was funny.I like this outfit and it was only $12 for both peices.
This outfit isn't anything special but I like the cute panda shirt and her Converse boots.
This one is about the hair, she likes the side pony. She also calls that shirt her "fancy" shirt (said in a fancy voice) it's covered in sequence.
Shes showing off the newest space she has from losing her tooth at school. Aren't those the coolest leggings tho? Who doesn't love unicorns?
Anyway, I didn't have much to write about so I thought I'd share some cuteness :)
Fiona is a diva in the making and I love that as long as I can remember she has had her own style. These are sweet! I love her converse boots!